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Thursday, June 30, 2011

Day Sixty One

Today was a busy day for all of us… the kids and I had lots of errands to run and tons of cleaning and things to do around the house and he had a busy work day.  He was great about keeping in touch for most of the day, knowing that she was there and he needed to communicate with me the best he could.  It was somewhat of a relief, but still unnerving since she was in his building.  My long list of things to do helped me to focus on my life rather than his mistake.  It was actually a pretty nice day.

I got a call in the afternoon from my Dr that said that all of my STD test results came back negative, but I needed to return in 3 months for a second HIV test.  That was a relief!

At night, he called me several times from his office to make sure that I knew he was at work and not at the going away party.  He told me that they (his employees and coworkers) had been texting and calling him all night to come to the party and he finally told them that he was having some problems at home and needed to not be social right now, he even went as far as to tell them that the issues were due to “deceit on my part” and they finally let it go.  He came home and told me, that after hearing about all the people from his company that were at the party he was sure she was probably there and he was glad he was home with me.  I let it go at that point.  He was here with me, I didn’t care where that dirty slut was. 

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